Courtney is an AG (Absolutely Gorgeous) woman and has it all - a loving husband, great kids, Salon Odara that is a successful business . . . and a Frenchie. Did you know that in 2022, the French Bulldog knocked the Labrador Retriever off its 31 year reign as the most popular dog breed in the United States? And that can show in the price for one of these puppies when the tab comes to thousands of dollars.

Except for Savvy here. Sold to one person, she was returned to the breeder. Not the fault of the dog, mind you - sometimes people have circumstances change in their lives such that they cannot care for the dog. But the breeder happened to be in the salon and in conversation said to AG Courtney, “Hey, want a Frenchie for . . .” and named a ridiculously low price with three figures. Huh, that’s an easy yes. So now Savvy spends her days at the salon receiving hugs, pats, and love from the clients, being the queen that she is, while her momma makes heart eyes at her for just having the gosh darned cutest pout!

And you know, nothing says “love me, love my dog” more than a Mommy and Me portrait session.

(Click on any image in the gallery below to see a full-sized rendition)

And for THAT person who is going to say, “Oh, I don’t turn out good in pictures, just photograph my dog . . .” - NO. You look great and the interaction between you both is PRICELESS. Besides, I don;t like to hear any s**t talk about my clients, ALL of whom are beautiful.


Getting “Published”


Havana, ooh na na . . .