Stephanie Richer Photography

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ETC Cover Story: "Sharing the bread of Life"

I cherish my association with East Tennessee Catholic and its editor, Bill Brewer.  It allows me to see a unique side of humanity when he asks me to accompany him on a story for the journal.

Recently, we went to Claiborne county to visit the Claiborne Hunger Ministry.  You know, indulge me in a little political discourse here - recently, a presidential candidate said that if elected, she would work to put coal miners out of business.  The coal industry in Appalachia has already been severely hit and I would like her to come here and see the need of people, people who want to work but, unfortunately, cannot get $600,000/year positions with Wall Street firms like the candidate's daughter.  Maybe it would help put things in perspective for said candidate.

Ah, but let me go back to praising famous men - and one woman, Marie Noe.  At 88, she runs this ministry that makes sure the locals do not go hungry, especially the children.  This has been her work for the past 20 years.  I urge you to go and read her story.

My picture of her graces the March edition of East Tennessee Catholic.  As a member of the faith, I am challenged to find Jesus in the people around me.  With Marie, that is all too easy.

Here are some other images from our visit (click on any image to view in a larger size).