Stephanie Richer Photography

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Picture Day: Eagle Karate

Larry Hartsook (right) with another instructor. This is a custom magazine cover template that I created for the parents to order with their child’s image.

I confess: I never bought my kids’ school pictures.

Why? Well, to be frank . . . because I could do better. I have seen some cheesy, flat, boring images for school pictures and why spend $40 for a 5x7 print?

I was talking to a friend whose family - Mom, Dad, and Daughter - all study martial arts at Eagle Karate in West Knox. I went and visited the site, and let me say - I was impressed. The owner, Larry Hartsook, is a dynamo. The man is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army’s Special Forces - a.k.a. the Green Berets - with several black belts in various disciplines; in short, you WANT to be on his team. And the cool thing is he wants you to be there and wants to see your kids - if not you, as well - sound in health and mind. And our kids need that for building confidence and self-esteem.

Picture day! I set up a studio in the dojo’s back room that worked out well to capture the kids. That is the beauty about modern gear, I can bring the studio to the client, if need be. Add a black backdrop and the families added the wonderful poses and faces!

If you are looking for an activity - and one that YOU can do with your children - go visit Eagle Karate. Follow them on Facebook for special offers and events!