Stephanie Richer Photography

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#LoveWins at Grotto Falls - Myriam and Katrina's Proposal

Another magic moment in the Smokies with a magic proposal - but one that took planning.

Myriam had contacted me, wanting to propose to her beloved Katrina while they were visiting the GSMNP. We had the usual discussion via email and picked a spot; Grotto Falls is a unique feature of the Smokies since it is a waterfall where the trail along which it is located, the Trillium Gap Trail, passes behind its falls.

Fair enough - but then Myriam through a challenge to me: it HAD to occur at precisely 6:21 pm.

You see, for Katrina, the number “621” is her, well, thing. It is lucky for her, she sees it in street addresses and when she notices it as time, she points it out to Myriam. Myriam is a self-confessed romantic at heart, so she wanted to make it special for Katrina by doing it at “her time.” In fact, Myriam even had a special sign made that she shipped to my home, so I could carry it up (as it turns out, Myriam was struggling enough trying to hide the ring box in her shorts pocket!).

The hike is not difficult, but what can be is getting to the trailhead since it means having to travel through downtown Gatlinburg. And COVID be damned, Gatlinburg’s summer tourist season is in full swing, meaning US441 that runs through it is packed. A few days before the proposal, I took a reconnaissance trip through the town to gauge how long it would take so I could advise Myriam to make our 6:21 pm time slot.

Sure enough, the day I did my scouting trip, hardly anyone was at the falls. I arrive to shoot the proposal - and the pool beneath the falls is filled with kids. Lots of kids. And people standing all around.

Then, shortly after I got to the falls, two women pass me - and one with dark hair catches my eyes and gives me an eyebrow lift. Some 30 minutes early, Myriam and Katrina had arrived.

Okay, this is not just a love story but a story of the goodness of people. From my spot behind a large boulder, I started calling adults over. I am sure they thought it odd that this strange woman was gesturing to them to come and talk to her, but they came - and I explained what was going to happen and why I needed the spot cleared. All were happy to comply; in fact, one woman said they were going to go anyway but now they would stay to watch.

And at about 6:17pm, the kids started getting out of the water. Parents gathered their children and then “casually” hung about on the periphery. To wait. And to watch.

And then this happened:

And when Katrina said, “Yes!” and the women embraced each other . . . everyone started cheering, and applauding, and yelling their congratulations. Listen, “in these unprecedented times,” and with the hopes of seeing a bear perhaps going unfulfilled during a visit, to witness as happy a moment as this MADE these people’s day!

As is my usual, a photo shoot followed the proposal. I like these times since it usually means getting to know my clients and I can say, they are lovely women. Things I learned:

  • Being from southern Florida, everything about the Smokies amazes them. Including the very large spiders that Katrina hates.

  • Both have backgrounds in psychology.

  • The honeymoon destination will be Ireland.

  • When Myriam had “the talk” with Katrina’s dad about asking for her hand in marriage, he agreed but also had her try liver (they talked over lunch). Myriam finds liver “interesting” - that is, she doesn’t like it.

  • And as we were walking back, I heard a noise in the brush along the trail. I looked and said, “Ladies - bear!” This big fellow strolled right past us, as casually as you please. Both women were thrilled although Myriam confessed, her heart was pounding. But they saw a bear, people, up close and personal!

You have to admire Myriam’s taste in rings - look at that beautiful opal!

But let’s have some video, shall we? I keep a camera mounted on a tripod as a “decoy” so it looks like I am Just Another Nature Photographer. What I do is set it to video and capture the moment.

Congratulations to Katrina and Myriam! They are lovely people and allow me to signb off as I do at the end of every blog post on proposals:

Mazel tov, you crazy kids!