Stephanie Richer Photography

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Giddy: Markita and Zac's Proposal

Listen, all of my marriage proposal clients are happy ones . . . but some are positively giddy with joy when they become engaged.

And so it was with Markita and Zac from Chicago, IL. Now, Zac had wanted to make sure Markita had the opportunity to fancy herself up for her pictures, so he used the old “oh, we’re going to dinner after we see Cades Cove” trick. That works well, you know, since the quiet mountain town of Townsend nearby has some nice restaurants and Cades Cove is a site one drives through in the Smokies.

The problem was the rain. Let me tell you, in the Smokies in Spring when it rains, it pours - and watching the weather I knew we had a very narrow patch of relative dryness, as I advised Zac. Once again, the site was the Wilderness Overlook in Cades. I got there and while waiting the skies just opened. I mean, it was pouring down rain. But fortunately, it was mild in temperature, so I waited . . . and worried.

And then . . . it started to slowly ease up. And I saw Zac and Markita come strolling into place.

And this happened.

And afterwards - well, let me tell you, I have never spent time with two people who just could not stop laughing and giggling over the fact that they were now engaged! The love of Markita and Zac for one another was overwhelming. Every time their eyes met, the smiles that ensued made up for the fact that it was a cloudy day! I learned that their families back in Illinois thought they were well suited for one another and I think so, too. I asked Markita at one time what attracted her to Zac and she laughed again, saying, “Just look at him - he is the cutest, sweetest man on earth!” And Zac laughed, too.

The rain stayed away for the rest of our time together, thankfully. I got a chance to take them to what I consider the prettiest cabin in Cades Cove, the Carter Shields cabin, that sits nestled in its own clearing. Again, laughter and smiles - why not just live in it and be happy?

When I left Markita and Zac, I was smiling - their joy was contagious and their sheer delight at starting a new chapter in their lives was overwhelming.

And now - let’s roll tape!