"Little Girls, Like Butterflies, Need No Excuse"

The quote in the title is from my favorite writer of science fiction, Robert Heinlein. Ava here needs no excuse - she is her own kid.

We had done a portrait session with Ava and her baby brother and she had eagerly changed out of her pretty dress and back into her skin, so to speak, when we called it a day. But I could tell, once the t-shirt and jeans went back on, Ava changed. She was a butterfly anymore - she was a hornet. I asked if she could stand just a few more shots and used a come on that seems to work with kids her age: “You don’t have to smile.”

She looks tough in the picture above but that is because I asked her to give me that ‘tude. I am reminded of the song by Everlast, “Saving Grace:”

One time around the block,

Two times around the clock,

Three times don’t cross the little lady . . .

I love serious kids. Their portraits make you stop and lean in. Kids with big cheesy grins are for cellphone pics and Grandma.


Shoot the Street: Nashville - June 2021


Timing is Everything: Andrea and Zachary's Proposal